Legal Notice

The present internet site, accessible at the address is the property of Blue Factory and developped by CYMA Developpement

Blue Factory agency is located at the following address : 55 Rue Louis Blanc, 75010 Paris, France

Phone number : +33 1 40 53 39 01

Publishing & Content Manager : Geraldine Mahieux

The purpose of Blue Factory website is to provide information about Blue Factory activities & services.


This site is protected by copyright.

Partial or full use of the website, in particular by download, reproduction, transfer or representation on any media and by any processes, for other purposes than that of private or personal use in a non-commercial objective is strictly forbidden.

The corporate names, trademarks and distinctive signs reproduced on the website are also protected under trademark law. The full or partial reproduction or representation of one of the aforementioned signs must be the object of a prior written authorization from the sign and trademark owner.

More generally, all non-authorized reproduction or representation of trademarks, logos, drawings, models, photographic, audiovisual, musical or literary works and more generally of any element liable to be protected by intellectual property right accessible on the website is forbidden and would constitute an infringement as defined by the articles L335-2 and following of the French Code of Intellectual Property, unless this reproduction or representation is exclusively reserved for a strictly personal and private use.